Monday, June 29, 2009

How to Make Happiness Even Happier

We just ended a 12-hour day at the Happiest Place on Earth--Disneyland. One of my favorite things to do is to leave the park and eat dinner at The Nearly-Happiest Place on Earth, the Rainforest Cafe. I think it is called that because a small rainforest needs to be clearcut daily in order to supply power to the place.

Anyway, I like to say that it's nearly the happiest place because it is there where we sit in air conditioning and have a margarita. After that I am prepped and ready to tackle the Happiest Place for a couple more hours. My tired and drooping feet get cheered up to finish out the day with the kidlets. This year I had (what I think) is a great idea. Why not put a beer garden in the middle of Disneyland? After only a few hours us weak adults are pooped--but the kids are still ready to go. Why not make a nice, discrete little adult watering hole, just to the side of Sleeping Beauty's castle somewhere where they can recharge and be cheerful, participatory parents for another few hours? I bet they could make some real cash with this.


big hair betty said...

Alcohol makes me tired, so I don't know if this would be a good idea for me. Do they not sell beer at Disneyland at all? Beer or not, I can't wait to go to the happiest place on earth!

Steve and Stacy said...

A wonderful idea! And the naming possibilities are endless:

1) Cinder-Ale-a's
2) Beauty and the Beers
3) Snow White and the Seven Pints
4) The Pirates of Bavaria
5) A Lager Time Ago
6) Malt Disney's
7) The Hoppiest Pints on Earth
8) The Tipsy Mansion
9) The Mulan Rouge
10) The Beer Necessities

Need I go on?

Mrs. Schwager said...

i think i would need it right outside the entrance.

Brittany Martin said...

Wow, Steve. I am really impressed. It sounds like you have the entire park taken care of! Is that because you spent so many happy hours there this year?

Steve and Stacy said...

Britt - Many hours indeed. And they would have been that much happier if any one of my hypothetical watering holes were a little less theoretical...