Friday, May 29, 2009

Christology for Boys

So here's a conversation between my 3 1/2-year-old boy and his older brother (and I'm not exaggerating this at all):

R:  My head is going to crack right down the middle.
L:  Yeah!  Down the middle!
R:  And it's going to break open.
L:  Yeah!  Break open!
R:  And blood is going to shoot out everywhere (lots of dramatic emphasis using hands).
L:  Yeah!  Blood everywhere!
R:  And the blood is going to flow all over my body.
L:  Yeah!  All over your body!
R:  And then my arms are going to fall off (more dramatic emphasis).
L:  Yeah!  Your arms!
R:  And they're going to rip apart.
L:  Yeah!  Rip apart!
R:  And blood is going to flow everywhere.
L:  Yeah!  Everywhere!
R:  And it's going to happen to everyone in the world.
L:  Yeah!  Everyone in the world!
R:  Except.....for Jesus.
L:  Yeah!  Except for Jesus!

My husband assures me that they're normal boys.  I surely hope they turn out normal.


big hair betty said...

Haha! We're not so much into the visual yet, still the audio. I'm waiting to see if Matt will let me video/post Ezra doing a very "boy" thing, it has to do with his hand and his armpit and a funny noise.

Brittany Martin said... what on earth could that be I wonder?

If my boys saw my dad more often they would definitely be doing that by now!