Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Freaky Smart

Are you ever just blown away and freaked out sometimes when your children show you that they have intricate, complicated minds?  Especially when they're still preschool age?  

This probably falls under the category of "Shameless Appeal from Doting Parent," but I'm going to share it anyway.  My 3-year-old just freaked me out by how smart he was.  In preschool today they played a game with balloons.  When we got home I asked him if he had fun with the balloons and he said, "Yes.  I liked the red balloons, and there were 1, 2 of them.  I really liked the blue ones, but there was only 1 blue one."  Intrigued by the thought of him remembering this I asked, "And how many white ones were there?"  He answers, "1, 2, 3, 4.  No; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 white ones."  By now I'm starting to freak out.  "How many pink ones?"  I ask with amazement.  "I told you, Mama, there were 2 pink ones and 2 red ones.  There were 2 purple ones.  There were no orange ones, but one yellow one.  Mama, I really have to go potty now."

So there you go.  My child is Rain Man.

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